“There is emulation among teams in Cheval Blanc which stimulates requirement of excellence.”

Régis Guignard

Architect, Landscaper, Town Planner, Founder-Manager of the MERISTEME Agency

Pierre Lurton

Château Cheval Blanc Director

Marc Lambron

French literary critic and writer, member of the French Academy

Michel Bettane

Criticism of French wines. Co-author of the Guide Bettane and Desseauve wines of France.

Jean-Robert Pitte

Geographer Specialist in landscape and gastronomy

Bernard Burtschy

Taster, Expert, Wine and Spirits Journalist for Le Figaro and the Wine Review. Member of the European Grand Jury.

Régis Guignard

Architect, Landscaper, Town Planner, Founder-Manager of the MERISTEME Agency

Pierre-Olivier Clouet

Technical Director of Château Cheval Blanc

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Journalist and publisher of The Wine Review

Pierre Lurton

Director of Château Cheval Blanc

Alexandre Schmitt

Writer, former creator of perfumers and food flavorings, has become for more than 20 years an international specialist of wine aromas

Serena Sutcliffe

Director of Sotheby’s International Wine Department and Wine Writer